Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The LPLN meeting of the 20th November - cruise, views and bbq's at the Serpentine Creek

The latest meeting of the Loddon Plains Landcare Network was held at the property of Stephen and Sally Maxted on the Serpentine Creek, Durham Ox, 20th of November. Thirty people braved the uncertain afternoon weather to attend an event which was designed to be a brief meeting followed by a get to know one another bbq and cruise on the Serpentine Creek.
The assembled company consisted of representatives from various Landcare groups, Friends of Kooyoora and the Wedderburn Conservation Management Network (WCMN). Among the members present were such veteran Landcare identities as Andy Hay from Kamarooka Landcare and NUFG, Bill Twigg from East Loddon Landcare and Jill MacFarlane a founding member of the WCMN. Matching up to all of these prodigious champions of the environment was four year old Noah Condcliffe, a member of the Salisbury West Junior Landcare group. It was also encouraging to see Christine Brooke of Loddon Vale Landcare group, not in her Mayoral role but among all others registering, by their presence, a concern and commitment to changing our environment for the better.

An efficiently conducted meeting chaired by Mal Brown of the Northern United Forestry Group began with the introduction of the recently elected executive of the network namely:
Mal Brown - Chair - Northern United Forestry Group (NUFG)
Penny Wall - Deputy Chair - North Central Landcare Group and NUFG
Michael Moore - Secretary - Wedderburn CMN
Jean McClymont - Treasurer - Salisbury West Landcare Group
This done, various agenda items were discussed and agreed to as follows:

  • Voting rights for the network - one vote per group

  • Network Membership Fees - $50 per group per year

  • Draft Mission statement - was accepted in general form with proviso for adjustment if necessary.

  • Landcare Assets - a few people indicated that they knew something of where such things as rotary hoes etc were located as used by the previous Landcare regime - this will be followed up.

  • Design of the LPLN Logo - this will be thrown open to competition, including schools.

  • Substitute for Jean McClymont for the Norman Wettenhall Foundation deputation visit on the 24th Nov. - Colleen Condcliffe agreed to fill in.

  • Setting up a blogspot/website for the network was mentioned briefly- the secretary will be looking for any and all articles, environmental snippets, general network gossip, information on junior landcare etc that members can contribute.
  • The possible use of funds to initiate a planting of trees by volunteers recruited from Bendigo and/or Melbourne and billeted by network member groups was discussed. The suggestion found favour with members and it was further suggested that such a planting could be organized to coincide with the Friends of Kooyoora Wildflower Show which is to be spread out over two weeks next year.
The meeting declared closed, all assembled fell to enjoying the rest of the evening which consisted of a fine bbq meal presented in beautiful surroundings, much interesting conversation and a scenic cruise on the creek. Views on the creek were impressive, all with their own charm as light passed from dusk to dark.
Many thanks to organizers of the evening especially Mal Brown and Laurie, Jo, Stephen and Sally Maxted.
Article by Michael Moore, photographs: upper - Phil Dyson, lower - Mal Brown.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Landscape Connectivity - A Talk by Dr Jim Radford

There has been much attention on habitat fragmentation and the need to ‘re- connect landscapes’ if we are going to conserve biodiversity. This topic of remedying fragmentation of habitat has been at the heart of many of the actions carried out by the Wedderburn CMN over the last six years of its existence and is also of concern to the members of the newly formed Loddon Plains Landcare Network. It seemed appropriate then to invite Dr Jim Radford, of Deakin University and Bush Heritage Australia, an acknowledged expert in this field to give a talk on the subject. The talk, held at Serpentine Bowls club, was attended by members of various landcare groups and members of the Wedderburn CMN.The talk focused on landscape connectivity, and aimed to stimulate discussion on some key questions such as:
What is landscape connectivity and why is it important?
How can we increase connectivity at the large spatial scale?

Dr Radford provided much insight into possible answers to questions such as these and others raised by members of the audience. Significant comments included - more emphasis needs to be placed on restoring resilient ecosystems - improving ecosystems may take many forms including revegetation - concentration should be upon building and connecting habitats – we should conserve and enhance what we already have. The talk also highlighted the danger of efforts which only added vegetation to the environment without adequate thought for actual habitat building. This was an educational experience.

Article by Michael Moore

Loddon Plains Landcare Network - a brief history

Following the announcement that Shire-based Landcare Coordinators would no longer be funded by the Federal Government, some Landcare group members in the Loddon Shire began exploring alternate support models. Mal Brown (Loddon Shire resident, Chair of the Natural Resource Management Committee for the North Central CMA, and a member of the Northern United Forestry Group) initiated a meeting of Loddon Landcare groups to explore the idea of forming a new network.
On 24th July at Loddon Shire offices, Serpentine 42 Landcare group members attended. There were 10 apologies. Three different examples of networks were presented and discussed and representatives from interested groups were sought to form a working group.
On the 14th August, following on from the July meeting a nine-person working group met at the Loddon Shire Offices, Serpentine to progress the concept of a network for groups that are currently operating alone. Working group participants included representatives from Loddon Vale Landcare, Northern United Forestry Group, Salisbury West Landcare, Wedderburn Conservation Management Network and Yando Landcare. Andy Hay, representing Kamarooka, North Central and Bendigo Creek Floodplain Landcare Groups was an apology. The working group agreed on a set of guiding principles for any formal network moving forward.

A fundamental principle is that all groups must fully retain their individual identities.

The other agreed principles recognize that the network provides a critical mass of like-minded people in a defined geographic area who are provided with greater opportunities to:
• Achieve connectivity across the network's landscape via both vegetation corridors and cultural heritage trails
• Recognize, value and share local knowledge about both the natural environment and sustainable farming practices
• Share the diverse skill base that all members bring
• Attract public and private funding for on-ground works to improve the condition of the natural environment that are critical to the goals of both the broader network and the individual groups
• Participate in research trials across different landscapes.

The network adopted the name 'Loddon Plains Landcare Network' as an interim working title. Although some representatives live in the foothills the majority live on the Loddon Plain.
At a meeting on 11th September it was decided, by a show of hands, that a network should be formed. Discussion was held concerning the composition of the network. The most favoured model was that the network should have a Working Group and an Executive.
At the next meeting on the 18th September it was agreed it was important to form an Executive, become incorporated entity, open a bank account and apply for an ABN, so that the network could apply for funding. The meeting endorsed a process by which nominations for the Executive of the Loddon Plains Landcare Network (LPLN) could be achieved.
After due process the nominees below were elected to the LPLN Executive on 9th October 09:
1. Chair - Mal Brown
2. Deputy Chair - Penny Wall
3. Secretary - Michael Moore
4. Treasurer - Jean McClymont
On the 16th October at the Bendigo Bank, Inglewood a bank account for the Loddon Plains Landcare Network was opened and this being done the executive proceeded to obtain an ABN number. The group will also proceed to become a member of the VFF – FTLA with consequent incorporation which will allow the application for funding to go ahead.

The next meeting of the Network Working Group will be held at Durham Ox on the Serpentine Creek, starting 5pm on Friday 20 November. All members of the network, and those considering joining the Network are welcome to attend. Details to follow.

Article by Mal Brown and Michael Moore