The Loddon Plains Landcare Network (LPLN) supports a critical mass of like-minded people who are interested in their natural environment and activities to enhance natural values. The network is comprised of 14 groups: Bendigo Creek Floodplain Group;East Loddon Landcare; Fairley Bael Bael Sandhill Lake Landcare; Friends of Kooyoora Inc; Friends of Terrick Terrick National Park; Inglewood Urban Landcare; Kamarooka Landcare; Loddon Vale Landcare; North Central Landcare; Northern United Forestry Group; Salisbury West Landcare; Terrick Ridge Landcare; Wedderburn Conservation Management Network; Wychitella District Landcare.
The network is situated around the Loddon Plains and brings together more than 270 land managers responsible for approximately 300,000 ha of private land. A number of groups also work closely with Parks Victoria and DSE to play a role in public land management in various locations in the network.